Sunday, 1 November 2009

I'm Back!!!! Happy Halloween

Sorry I haven't blogged for so long - it's been a bit hectic. Working full time is really taking it out of me, I'm sooooooooo tired and my mojo seems to have gone for a verrrry long walk :(

Still it was Halloween yesterday and Callam wanted to do the usual. So heres the pumpkin: first is the evil side (that I didn't take a proper picture with the lights on - I'm such a numpty at times) - the teeth were cut out properly - I did the pumpkin double sided adn its the bits on the other side of that can be seen.

Next (below) is the not so scary pumpkin face (done on the other side to the one above)

And below with the lights on is the 'friendly' pumpkin face.

And here is Count Dracula (scuse the grey body warmer but it gets cold outside at the end of October)

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